
"Daily frame me more and more into the likeness of Thy Son, Jesus Christ." - George Washington

Friday, August 5, 2011

La première journée {Day one} 8.5.11

   A house-sitting adventure! With my bestestest friend! This will be so much fun. If we don't drive each other crazy anyway lol.

   Here is day number one, picture number one. After we carried in all of our stuff and put away our groceries in the fridge, we found a new jar of really yummy pickles. So we ate a few, because Matthew McConaughey is hot. =)

   I can't believe I will be living here with my best friend for so many weeks. I've never spent so much time away from home and family, even though I will still spend time at home. I sort of have double the chores, now that I have to go home and clean as well lol.

   Free advice:  Don't try to eat a Popsicle while blogging... it doesn't work.

   Anyway, I have all this time now on my hands, because I'm not home working on projects. I actually have a few interesting things to get through while I'm not at home, including a state fair tumbling performance, hashing logistics and working out a lesson plan for the art lessons that I will also be starting in this time frame, a trip to visit my grandparents in Spirit Lake, my sister's birthday and the arrival of twins to one of the families that I nanny for. Excitements are on their way.

   This will be the craziest August ever.

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